Monolingual Mac Download


In the end, Monolingual is a safe app if used with due care and knowledge (especially with the architecture feature). We can recommend Monolingual to those who don't have a Mac optimization app and need every byte of disk storage. However, it is highly recommended that you only download the app from the dedicated website, for two reasons: first, this means you will. Download Monolingual for Mac free. Monolingual is a program for removing unnecessary language resources.

Using Monolingual in Mac OS X

by Kurt Lang

All of the following information is available on the site run by Monolingual's developers at What I've attempted to do here is consolidate that information in a format that makes it (hopefully) easier to use and understand.

Before performing any of the following, make sure you have a complete backup of your system. Recovery is all important if something goes amiss.

If you've run Monolingual for the first time (or many times), then you've noticed that it leaves many languages unchecked that you would like removed from your system. You've also probably looked in Monolingual's preferences for a way to change which languages it removes and found nothing. That's because the languages Monolingual removes is based on the languages you have selected or deselected in OS X's System Preferences. So to start, open the System Preferences and click on the International icon. If necessary, click the Language tab. You will see something similar to this:

Click on the 'Edit List...' button. In the resulting sheet that appears, uncheck all languages that you don't need on your system. If English is your main language, it's extremely important that you DO NOT remove the subset language you need. If you have only English unchecked when you run Monolingual, all subsets of English will be removed from your system, REQUIRING a reinstall of OS X and pretty much all of your third party applications. So if you are a U.S. English user, both 'English' and 'U.S. English' need to be checked. This also applies to Canadian, British, Australian or other form of English. Both the subset English language you used when installing OS X and the base 'English' need to be checked. Since my usage is U.S. English, my final form looks like the following:

Click 'OK'. The Language settings will show the following. Take note of the orange triangle. To make sure the changes you've made are in effect, restart your Mac, or logout and log back in.

A very important part of the rearranging for English languages is to make sure the base English is ahead of any English subset. Small oddities can occur in OS X otherwise. Such as Font Book not showing glyphs for some fonts. If French is your preferred language, the order would be French, English, U.S. English.

Now launch Monolingual. Since I've already set up my preferences for English and U.S. English in the System Preferences, Monolingual comes up with those two languages already unchecked. All others are checked for removal as seen below:

For non U.S. English users, these settings can become more difficult. Mostly because you can't be sure the third party application you installed has an English version for your local dialect, such as Canadian English. In which case, Monolingual may end up removing the only English resources in your application if it's U.S. English and it's checked for removal in Monolingual. In such cases, you would probably have to reinstall the application. To avoid that, go into the System Preferences and place a check on the boxes for all versions of English listed. There isn't a choice for New Zealand English in OS X, so Monolingual will list as below when launched.

You'll have to manually remove the check from the 'English (New Zealand)' box each time you run Monolingual, but you can't get any safer than that for protecting the English resources. From experience, I can say this isn't necessary for U.S. English users. English and U.S. English should by the only choices you ever need unchecked. But do what you feel is best for you.

It gets yet more complicated for non English users. Especially on applications from smaller companies which may not have for example, French or Spanish language resources. If you only have French unchecked in Monolingual, you could find yourself with many non functional applications when the English resources are removed. For such users, it would best to leave both your first language and all English languages checked in the System Preferences. This assuming you can of course read English, but use it in an application only when you have to. That way, both your preferred language and all English languages will not be removed by Monolingual.

You can really just ignore the Input Menu tab. The amount of hard drive space you'd save by removing unwanted Keyboard Layouts and Input Methods is miniscule. It's simply not worth the time it takes you to check the boxes.

Monolingual has had major changes made to it in the last couple of releases to keep it from damaging Rosetta on Intel based Macs. It is also now smart enough not to remove architectures that your application would need to run. Here's two different views of that tab. The first is how it automatically appears on a dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5. The second on an Intel based iMac.

As of version 1.3.7, Monolingual will not remove any architectures from the framework files of the /System/Library/Frameworks/ or /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ folders. This prevents Monolingual from breaking Rosetta. In the case of Cocoa apps, Monolingual also knows not to remove PowerPC code from a non Universal OS X application. So even though all PowerPC choices were automatically checked in the Architectures tab on the Intel based iMac, it will not remove the PowerPC code for those apps that contain no Intel code. I've run Monolingual numerous times on an Intel based iMac and it has never damaged either Rosetta, Microsoft Office 2004, or any other application that is PowerPC native only.

This next part is probably the most confusing part of Monolingual to use. And that's how to keep it from removing language files from certain folders. Programs I know to be rendered unusable when removing language resources are Adobe's Acrobat Professional and its associated Distiller. Neither of these programs will run if you remove any language files. With the CS3 applications, all will run fine (excluding Acrobat Pro and the Distiller) with the languages removed. But in the case of at least Illustrator CS3 (version 13), the program cannot be updated if any language files are removed. Even if you just remove the EULA files in the Legal folder within the Illustrator CS3 folder.

So how do you keep Monolingual from removing languages from these applications? Contrary to what you would think, by adding them to Monolingual's Preferences. Here's how. Open Monolingual's Preferences. Click the Add button. Navigate to the folder you want to exclude and click Open. The path is added to the list of Preferences. Now, turn the check boxes next to your new entry OFF. If you're running Adobe Acrobat Professional, you will also want to add the PPD folder for your printers, as Acrobat won't run even if just the foreign language printer PPDs are removed. Your preferences will look something like the following, depending on what folder(s) you added. The first four are there by default.

Since the folders I've added are not checked, Monolingual will not remove any language files from the contents of these folders.

Monolingual Mac Download Mac

Monolingual Mac Download

I don't know if it's a bug, or an intentional part of Monolingual, but any items on the Desktop will not have any foreign language files removed. If you want them cleaned out, you'll have to put the items in the Applications folder, or other folder where Monolingual will act on them. Another minor bug is in version 1.3.8. If you were using a previous version of Monolingual, you must toss the old preference file before running 1.3.8, or it won't function correctly. To do so, go to the Preferences folder in your user account and delete the file:


Monolingual Mac Download Torrent

What happens otherwise is that you can launch the program and start the process to remove the unwanted language files, but it will return almost immediately and declare that no files were removed. If you had previously added any folders to protect in Monolingual's preferences, you will need to add them again after removing the old .plist file.

The Adobe CS4 applications have their own new annoyance. This is really completely unrelated to Monolingual, but is good information to have. I have found that if you remove the profile 'sRGB Profile.icc' from the /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ folder, the File Info dialogue box in Illustrator CS4 will come up blank! So will the entire Adobe Extension Manager CS4 interface. What this one particular profile could possibly have to do with the display of a dialogue box, I don't know. You also can't move that profile to the /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ folder, or the Profiles folder in your user account. While the profile is just as active in either location, the CS4 applications mentioned will blank out if that profile is not specifically in the System's Profiles folder.

Monolingual Mac Download

Depending on what you've installed on your Mac, Monolingual can recover a lot of disk space. Between the OS, the Adobe Design Creative CS4 Suite, Quark, Final Cut Studio and many other applications, Monolingual removed 1.6 GB of unnecessary files from the hard drive. That's 1.6 GB of data I don't have to continually back up or wait for to restore. Over the course of a year, that's a significant savings of time.

Run Monolingual any time you've updated the system, an application or other components to keep your hard drive as trim as possible.

Monolingual is a program for removing unnecessary language resources from macOS, in order to reclaim several hundred megabytes of disk space. It requires a 64-bit capable Intel-based Mac and at least macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

I don't know about you, but I use my computer in only one (human) language — English. And I'm willing to bet that you do too, albeit perhaps not English. So why do you have a bunch of localization files for the operating system filling up your hard drive? Enter Monolingual — a handy utility for reclaiming your space for more useful things… like international mp3 files, email or whatever you like.

Version 1.7.8 is the last version for OS X 10.12 (Sierra). Version 1.7.3 is the last version for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). Version 1.6.7 is the last version for OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). Version 1.5.10 is the last version for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). Version 1.4.5 is the last version for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) which also includes PowerPC support. Version 1.3.9 is the last version for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger).
