How Do I Download Google Earth On My Mac

Google Earth will run on your Chrome browser, Android device, iPhone, and operating systems Windows, Mac, and Linux. Our take Google Earth is an excellent tool for viewing the globe, experiencing and learning about a new place, and planning your next big vacation. Download the latest version of Google Earth Pro for Mac for free. Read 17 user reviews and compare with similar apps on MacUpdate. Download Google Earth Pro for Windows PC or MAC here @ After downloading Google Earth, install it on your PC/Desktop/Laptop or MAC by following the instructions. While Google Earth app has a lot of features for Desktop as well as Mobile, this particular feature is only available on Windows & MAC.

There are many people who are still using outdated computers and older mobile devices, which can affect the overall performance when running Google Earth. Good thing it is not a problem anymore.

You can download an older Google Earth version that would suit the needs of your computer or mobile device. In fact, you can select as older as version up to the most recent version from a third-party source online.

Installing Google Earth On Your Computer

Mac os 10.9 dmg download. Take note that Google Earth requires minimum requirements before you will be able to install it on your PC. So, you need to have at least 2GB of free hard disk space, Windows 7 or 8, graphics card DX9, and 1GB RAM.

The Mac also has minimum requirements to meet, such as OS X 10.6.8 or newer, 1GB of RAM, Intel Dual Core processor, and Internet speed of at least 768 Kbps. Linux computers can also install Google Earth, so long as it has met the minimum requirements. So it must at least have a Kernel 2.6 or newer, glibc 2.3.5 w/ NPTL or newer, R6.7 or newer, 1GB of RAM, and the same specs as the PC and Mac.

Just visit the Google Earth website to download the app for free. Click the link named Google Earth or Google Earth Pro, but the latter comes with a cost. More tools will be available for business planners and marketers with the paid version anyway.

Are you curious what Google Earth alternatives are available?

Installing Google Earth Plugin On The Browser

The minimum requirement for your browser is that you need at least a Chrome 5.0 or newer, Internet Explorer 7 or newer, Firefox 2.0 or newer on OS X, and Safari 3.1 or newer on OS X. Mojave patch.

Follow the procedure as you would install on a PC or Mac. Then, choose the link to install Google Earth Web option. Just make sure that your Firefox browser is closed in order to successfully install the plug-in. Use a different browser to install Google Earth on your computer for that matter.

Step 1 Download Google Earth

These instructions are only necessary if you do not already have Google Earth 6 on your computer. However, be sure to update to the latest version of Google Earth in order to be able to complete this chapter. Google Earth is a freely available virtual globe program. It displays satellite images, aerial photographs, and graphic layers on personal computers by delivering them over the Internet. Advanced versions of Google Earth are available for purchase, but this activity uses the free version.

Why Can't I Download Google Earth On My Mac

  1. Click here to go to the Google Earth download page. The page automatically detects your operating system, so you don't have to worry about choosing a particular version.

  2. Click the Agree and Download button. Your browser will display a Thank You page while Google Earth automatically downloads in the background.

  3. The Downloads window will show the progress of your download.
  4. At the end of the download, an alert box will tell you that the .dmg (Mac) or .exe (PC) file contains an application. Click the Continue (Mac) or Save (PC) button to finish the download.

Step 2 Install Google Earth

  1. On a Mac, the Google Earth disk image file (.dmg) will automatically mount on your desktop and open.
  2. Drag the Google to wherever you want to install it typically, the Applications (or Programs) folder on your hard drive.
  3. Close the Google Earth disk image window, then drag both the Google Earth.dmg and the Google Earth volume (below) to the trash to clear them from your desktop.
  4. Drag the Google Earth icon from your Applications folder to your dock to create an alias (Mac).
  5. On a Windows OS, open the GoogleEarthSetup.exe file and click Run. When installed, Google Earth launches automatically.
  6. Create a shortcut to the program (Windows) for easy access.

Step 3 Launch Google Earth

Google Earth Pro Desktop Install

Note: You must have a live Internet connection while using Google Earth. As you move around and zoom in and out, new images are downloaded to your computer on the fly from Google's servers. This step confirms that you have properly installed Google Earth.

  1. Launch Google Earth by double-clicking the Google Earth icon on your desktop or clicking its icon in your Start menu (PC) or Dock (Mac).

  2. You should now see the main Google Earth window.

  3. If this is your first time using of Google Earth, plan to spend some time exploring its features including zooming in and out, panning, and turning layers on and off.

How To Install Google Earth On A Mac


Google Earth Pro Satellite Download